Dec 19, 2008

Do you have a 50/50 relationship?

I'm reading a preview copy of a great new book by local authors Sharon Meers and Joanna Strober: "Getting to 50/50" (to be published by Bantam Books in February 2009). The book is about how couples (typically with kids) can arrange their lives so that the woman can have a fulfilling career and the man can have a fulfilling family life with all the benefits that both of those things can bring to everyone in the family. I've just got through chapter one. I've waved it at my husband a couple of times, but he's put off by the way its obviously written for a female reader. Ah well, I'll just have to read him choice bits out loud as he sits at the computer working in the evenings.... More to come as I read!

Nov 19, 2008

Marilyn and Irvin Yalom on being a dual-career academic couple

On January 29, 2009, Marilyn and Irvine Yalom will be in conversation with Mark Gonnerman as part of the Stanford Aurora Forum's creative couples series. Starting at 7:30pm, the conversation will take place at the Kresge Auditorium. Free and Open to All

In the course of over fifty years of married life and raising four children, Irvin and Marilyn Yalom have made marks in their respective fields of psychotherapy and women’s studies with contributions through teaching and research leading to the publication of academic papers and popular books. Last year, they each presented their own research into death: Irv’s Staring at the Sun: Overcoming the Terror of Death and Marilyn’s The American Resting Place: Four Hundred Years of History Through our Cemeteries and Burial Grounds. Our conversation will begin with the Yaloms’ poignant explorations of human finitude and then turn to the story of their time together as a dual-career academic couple.

Aug 30, 2008

Are you in the sciences?

Our Dual-Career Academic Couples study revealed that 83% of female scientists in a dual-career couple are partnered with another academic; compared to 54% of male scientists. This suggests that dual-career issues are of particular importance for universities which are committed to increasing the number of women on the science faculty. Are you an academic scientist, male or female, partnered or not? What do you think?

Our report does not talk about scientists outside academia. Are you a scientist or engineer in industry, nonprofit or the public service? What are your experiences? Do you meet many dual-career couples? Do your employers set out to help people in dual-career relationships? What resources do they offer?

And do you think it is right for employers to be creating special programs to assist dual career couples, whether inside or outside academia? Have your say!

Aug 27, 2008

Report covered in Times Higher Ed (UK)

Nice story about the Dual-Career Academic Couples report in this week's issue of the UK's Times Higher Education newspaper, with comment based on a UK study of British academics, and a comment from the University of Liverpool, which has a published dual-career policy.

Aug 21, 2008

Have you ever said no?

Have you ever turned down a job offer because your partner couldn't find a suitable job? Have you ever been in a position when you've asked your prospective employer to find your partner a suitable job? Share your stories with us.

Aug 20, 2008

Dual-Careers report now available

The Dual-Careers Academic Couples report is now available for download, free of charge, from our website.

Aug 14, 2008

Watch out for Chronicle Higher Ed story

Only 6 days till the Dual-Career report is launched. Watch out for a story in the Chronicle of Higher Ed on August 20.

Aug 9, 2008

So, have you thought about your future?

You're in your late 20s. A graduate student. You're in a relationship with another graduate student, maybe in the same discipline. Your partner is going on the job market this year, you plan to be on the job market next year.

What thought have you given to the implications of all this? Whose career will come first? How will you decide? Is living in the same place a priority? If you plan to live apart, how long do you think your relationship will survive the separation - do you have a deadline for finding jobs together?

And what happens if/when kids come along?

It's not unusual for young academics to live hundreds, even thousands of miles away from each other, with all the stresses and strains that places on relationships; and let's not even get started on the costs of running two households and commuting to see each other occasionally. (Some friends of a friend are a British couple who live in Oxford and Paris (and they have two small kids, growing up French). Forget the problems of living in different states, they are living in different countries! This is not just an issue in the USA!)

What's your experience? What compromises are you prepared to make to keep your dual-career academic relationship alive?

Aug 4, 2008

Dual-Career Report to Launch on August 20

At last! Our report on dual-career academic couples will be launched on Wednesday August 20. It will be available on our website for free download. Watch out for the news release from the Stanford News Service.

Jul 10, 2008

Join our Dual-Careers group on Facebook

Did you know that about 85% of college students are members of Facebook? (At least, I keep hearing that figure being repeated!) Would you like to connect with other people in a dual-career relationship; or people who aren't yet, but are wondering how they achieve that elusive work-life balance if they get into a relationship with another professional person (and what happens when the kids come along...)? If the answer is "yes", then join us on Facebook: the group is called Dual-Career Couples and this link should get you there:

Dual-Career weblinks

Visit the Clayman Institute’s website at to find links to information on dual-career services and policies.  While they’re mainly related to the academic world, you’ll find some links for non-academics too, and more coming every day!  If you see something out there on the internet that looks like a useful addition, let us know.


Jun 17, 2008

Dual-Career report coming soon

Welcome to the Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research's blog for all things to do with dual-career hiring and retention issues in academia. Over the past two years, we've been working on a large survey-based study of dual-career hiring practices in the US. Over 9,000 faculty from 13 leading research universities responded to our survey. They are spread across the country, from coast to coast, and represent faculty at both public and private institutions.

Who should read our report? Everyone who is interested in the strength and continuing success of the US university sector! It's clear from the demographics that dual-career hiring will be the next great challenge to face our higher education system. If you are a faculty member (or someone who wants to have a professorial career), read our report to learn how individuals tend not to negotiate in their best interests. And if you are a university administrator working on faculty recruitment, retention, or diversity, our report will help you understand where you need to go from here.

Coming in August!